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Don’t shrug it off: Being regular is important!

by Money Puzzle   ·  April 3, 2019   ·  

Don’t shrug it off: Being regular is important!

by Money Puzzle   ·  April 3, 2019   ·  

What does being regular mean? In context to investing, it is literally about picking a date and every month investing your money or reviewing your investments on that date. Human beings are creatures of habit and the earlier you form the habit of making regular investments, the easier it will be for you when its most important.

I used to hate getting out of bed early on a Sunday. But when I started long distance running, I had to do that because starting early morning is the best when you run in a city full of cars and people and dust! In the first couple of years, it was hard. The alarm would ring at 5 am and instinct was to shut it and go right back to sleep. Plus, because I had to wake up early on a Sunday, Saturday nights which were earlier synonymous with late night get togethers suddenly became about sleeping by 9:30 pm.

Human beings are creatures of habit and the earlier you form the habit of making regular investments, the easier it will be for you when its most important.

The entire family had to change the habit of late nights on Saturday and we all started sleeping early. Now not following this routine makes me feel sluggish and tired. I am also feeling the fittest I ever have. I feel strong, active and healthy mostly thanks to my running routine which necessitates that I take care of my body strength and general fitness.

The outcome of routine can only be positive. Don’t be shy to apply this to your investment cycle. Pre book investments through tools like systematic investment plans (SIPs) in mutual funds. Set reminders for your term life and health insurance premium payments annually. Don’t miss paying those. Pay your utility bills on the same day each month. Follow this early in life and your financial journey will get smoother sooner.

What will a smooth financial journey achieve? It will leave you feeling relaxed about money matters, which we all know can take up a lot of mind space and time. Not only that, it will make you feel a lot more confident about yourself and your family’s future. While your money works at its own time, a confident money journey frees up your time to live!

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